
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

As they dashed off a glimmer of stripes could be seen. there were many horses they were black white but one stood out it was amazing the thing was black and white I've never seen a creature this colour who knows what it could be it was like a horse was it a undead creature or was I just imaging things my brain went in to deep thought just trying to think what it could be then black and white shadows appeared the horses were very clear but the creature was blending in when the shadows disappeared it was gone. It just disappeared. I was supprised.

Monday, November 22, 2021

What I Did For Inquiry

 I chose music for inquiry because I love music and for music the instrument I chose was the bongo and we have. For music we split into groups (drums with drums Etc.) then we did beats the beats we got to do were crotchet and quaver. Crotchet one beat and quaver two beats. The thing that went well was I got the instrument I wanted. 


Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Mash Up

 For Monday mash up I did drawing with Beth and I attempted to draw a iron Golem from Mine craft and failed then i drew a plane crash which came out pretty well and i got to take them home (like all the time)