
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Narnia: "The Battle

 Narnia: "The Battle

in the abandond city there lays a hero named mac. when he was young his family was poor they did not have much, but one day he got caught using magic. He can turn stone into gold, silver into diamond ore, but the king trapped him. He escaped and became a warrior fighting off dragons, orcs, even lions and mammoths. But one day he had fought something never before. It was a lion god... he went to go to battle saying good bye to his family as he heeded off for battle as he marched down with his troops one by one... when they get there they are welcomed with unexpected surprise. The lion king flung a fire ball out of its mouth and it landed on top of his army. He was the last one out of the army he charged into battle with his 9 inch sword in one hand and a shield in the other he ran into battle then backup came. 20000 archers came and together they took down the lion king.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Te papa

 What is Te papa Te papa is a museum in wellington .

where is Te papa its in wellington .

This is my favourite exhibit aka birds of NZ


Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday mash up

 In Monday mash up I did gardening again BUT we did dodge ball first it was fun until i accidentally scratched my eye with my... thumb.15 mins later its time too go to the garden i got a very rooty plant and it was very hard too plant but I got it done.

Friday, May 14, 2021

school lunches

me and my group did a info search about what food people liked from the school lunches for a company.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021




Do you want to be kicked in the crotch by a kangaroo or be bitten by the most venomous spider in the world or a snake and have to listen to a wolf 24/7 awhoo also be dragged into the ocean?  YES PLEASE MATE well you nz weirdo come down to AUSTRALIA allay or else we will send SNAKES. allay or else we will send SNAKES.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Something (hint) stars.

 In dancing like the stars my buddy WAS NOT HERE so I had too sit on the side, just kidding, I got a new buddy and she was really good at this new dance we're learning. It's super confusing and really hard but we got the hang of it and that's it of this story.

Now let's talk about Monday MASH UP. In Monday mash up I did...Gardening. I got rock duty. Me and some friends had to make sure that the plant things don't fly away.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


In the holidays on Sat it was a chill day then on Sun I got a ... TRAMPOLINE its blue and no net.

Monday, May 3, 2021


Worst of it: was when I badly grased my self on a dummly made water slide beacuse if you look on my left leg I have a grase. in Mot top 10 best "motels". we got motel 30. Best of it: was going on a vaction to Pouponga then went too Takaka to get these cool culture clothes I forgot the name so please dont ask then me my mum and dad nana and pap went too mot and thats where I grased myself on a dum water slide. One thing I would change: probs grasing myself not gona lie it really hurt but I didnt cry.