
Monday, December 6, 2021

arts two


In arts today I did my music as usual and we were in our groups I was in the drum group and we were basically keeping everyone in beat. We were practising a really cool all groups beat it was super cool and sounded amazing.


 On the weekend I woke up on Saturday and chilled then my dad said "hey get dressed were going too my work" and my reaction was like Wow because my dads work is super cool because he's a truck driver and we pickup stuff which is really fun and the only reason why I went to his work was my mum works on Saturday.(I can't remember what I did on Sunday last week) this week on Saturday my mum went to work like usual so me and my dad went too his work to wash his truck then after that we packed our bags because we were going over too my grandmas house. 


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

As they dashed off a glimmer of stripes could be seen. there were many horses they were black white but one stood out it was amazing the thing was black and white I've never seen a creature this colour who knows what it could be it was like a horse was it a undead creature or was I just imaging things my brain went in to deep thought just trying to think what it could be then black and white shadows appeared the horses were very clear but the creature was blending in when the shadows disappeared it was gone. It just disappeared. I was supprised.

Monday, November 22, 2021

What I Did For Inquiry

 I chose music for inquiry because I love music and for music the instrument I chose was the bongo and we have. For music we split into groups (drums with drums Etc.) then we did beats the beats we got to do were crotchet and quaver. Crotchet one beat and quaver two beats. The thing that went well was I got the instrument I wanted. 


Monday, November 8, 2021

Monday Mash Up

 For Monday mash up I did drawing with Beth and I attempted to draw a iron Golem from Mine craft and failed then i drew a plane crash which came out pretty well and i got to take them home (like all the time)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Term Three Science Project 2021

How Different Planets Are Similar To Earth   by Jamison   

 George and I have been learning about how different planets are similar to Earth and if we can live on them.

We have been gathering answers on our slide show

 I'm working with George because we are friends and I know he's smart so we worked together and we learned quite a bit.


  • What is Earth made up of?

    • What is Mars made up of?
    • How is Mars different or the same as Earth?
    • Will humans colonise/settle on Mars?
    • Is there other planets that we can live on?

We learnt :

 There were no planets in our Solar System that could support human life.

Kepler 186F has water but the sun will never shine as bright as ours and we don't know if its toxic or not but it orbits a different star in a different solar system.

 The planet is in a different star system and might be habitable, but it will probably be ages until a manned spacecraft reaches it. 


Mars has two moons both 24.1402 kilometres long. 

NASA will land on Mars in the late 2030s if not 2050s (George helped  me)

How were going to present our learning. 

We are going to create a Kahoot quiz.

I'm proud of the amount of information that I learnt and I did not know half of this stuff.

I had fun and nothing was challenging.   

Monday, September 20, 2021

The bank robbery


For Monday mash up I did stop motion animator and it was fun Urmi lead it we got props back round and characters. For the back round we got A3 paper and some felts. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

marsh mellow earth.

 Hi i'm Jamison and in inquiry today we did a yummy earth it was very fun description below 

(First layer chocolate) the chocolate was the first layer  (similarities) it has cracks,its hard. (differences) you can eat it, and atlas doesn't have it on his shoulder.  

(Second layer marshmallow) the marsh mellow is the second layer (similarities) is the second layer, it's pinkish  red (differences) it's not hot, it don't have rocks, in it it's not the right colour.

(Third layer Eminem) (similarities) is the third layer, second smallest, and the right colour, (differences) it is very small and you can eat it.

(Fourth layer the inside of the marshmallow)(similarities)it's dead centre of the earth.(difference)  you can eat it, is very small, and it's not the right colour.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The egg earth (ED)

Me and my group for inquiry. We did egg earth witch means we slightly tapped the egg on a chopping board then chopped  it and looked inside of it. We found  the differences and similarities between the egg and the earth  . Here they are                                                                               

  • differences its soft on the inside,it's a egg shape, its not hot, has no oceans, and no land . 
  • similarities it sort of round, the out side is hard, it can sometimes have all four layers. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

sun facts


Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Mash up

Today in Monday mash up I did dodge ball and it was fun because we got to Death match Team Death match and so much more. It was hard but that is what makes it fun but we did have a few cheaters :(

earths layers


Friday, September 10, 2021

picture memes


me when we went into lock down

me and the boys partying until the cops come

me trying to do a flip with my sibling instead of my friend

me sneezing

the police.

when I've got nothing to do during lock down.


                                 video calls during lock down. 

Monday mash up

in Monday mash up today we did the usual we went to the garden. we planted some more plants and got to play doge ball but the hall occupied so we got to play on the play ground and it was so fun.  

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday mash up at the garden

 For the last two weeks we have been going over to the garden then the hall for Monday mash up. On the first week we did the basics Nigel gave us some plants and we planted them ( I don't know what type of plant it was) then we got too play doge ball. On the second week we did the same really. Planting more plants etc but me and Mason B got too pour worm pee on the tree and play doge ball. On Friday me and some other kids such as Jacob,Toby etc. this is week three me writing hope you enjoyed and please loo at these pictures    

Wednesday, August 4, 2021



maths for week one term three

In maths we are doing temperature capacity and weight. in temperature we went around the school with a thermometer measuring a whole bunch of thing ( five things really)  we measured the garden, scooter rack, pool entry, etc. with capacity we went outside and played with water (not literally) we measured one litter of sand and water and it Wade the same. with weight we wade marbles shoes etc  


Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 In inquiry today we learned about space/stars  here are some facts.

  • Stars are full of gas in their core which conducts in too heat which makes there glow.

  •  Stars come in different shapes and sizes colder ones are red and the hotter ones are blue.

  • Rigel is 70 times bigger than the sun.

  • The sun is a star.

I think the most interesting was the first one there full with gas.

Monday mash up

 in Monday mash up today we continued what we did last week. I did gardening and when we were done we got too play doge ball and we played teams then death match and it was so much FUN!                                

Monday, August 2, 2021

moon landing

 “Houston come in. Houston come in. This is Apollo 11. We have touched down on the surface of the moon. Over.”

“Apollo 11, this is Houston. You are clear to begin your mission. Over.”

Gazing around in a state of awe and wonder, the astronaut stood and admired what he saw. Outer space was a thing of pure beauty: a never-ending chasm of blackness, illuminated by stars that sparkled like beautiful diamonds.

He took a few steps forward, smiling at the joy of the feeling of weightlessness that never ceased to amaze him. Happy that his oxygen levels were high and his friends were close by, the astronaut set about his mission.

All seemed to be going well, but then the warning alarm on the ship sounded…

“Houston. Houston come in! Houston, we have a problem…

''Houston too Apollo 11 what is it''

'our engine is heating up over''

its going too blow 

Apollo 11 Apollo 11?




oh no this cant be good 


don't worry i will contact a near by moon rover.    

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 In maths today we did temperature capacity and weight i learnt that in millilitres milli means one thousand. it takes 1000 grams too make a kilogram. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Term 2 Reflection 2021

Hi i'm Jamison and this is about my term.

My favorite part of the term was when I signed up for winter sports. I love sports so I knew it was going too be fun. I chose hockey too keep my family history of hockey. 

The biggest challenge was learning new dance moves in dancing like the stars because when we were done learning we had to perform on the Isaac Amphitheater Royal. my other challenge was walking the bridle path it was so steep.

I am proud of my accomplishment in writing because when I joined I was really bad at writing 

I enjoyed making new Friends playing hockey and writing.   

Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Bridle Path

Our class TWM walked the Bridle
 Path too experience what the Europeans had to go though too get Christchurch. The hill was very very steep. I got tired after awhile but I did not give up. By half way up I was exhausted. Well if must of Europeans because we had too carry bags with only our lunch and our jackets but the Europeans had too carry grand pianos, luggage, belongings,. etc. The hardest part for me was probably when I rolled my ankle and I had too keep on going. When I achieved it I was so proud of myself.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

All of tawhirimatea did some thing that happen when the Europeans came too NZ. some people did family history some did muskets Ext we did a v-hut nothing too much but it worked we got plants and bark we painted the ground blue and green the v-hut had moss a river and trees not cardboard ones real ones. The first v-hut was made in the 1850s by the Europeans.

They had to carry a whole bunch of stuff over Lyttelton hill. 


Thursday, July 1, 2021

How have you been using Makey Makey? we have been using it for pac man and other stuff

How did you use the MakeyMakey to test if items were conductive?

What you found out? items that conduced energy 

Tell us about your game controller… we did the four elements and we used different colors for different elements

Did it work? yes well sometimes.  Next time we would add more space between the buttons.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday mash up

today I woke up and was in SO MUCH PAIN my wrist was aching like someone being pushed into the edge of a wooding chair and my leg last night was 50000 times worst. when I got to school I sighed the role then I knew it was going too be fun when the bell run we sat on the mat and did our usual stuff then Monday mash up it was the best ever.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Monday Mash Up

 Today I did drama. in drama you have to pick a place an item and a action. Me and my group got hat fallen and basement it was very very weird trust me but still. We played a lot of games including spaghetti. I'm doing this blog with a new kid hes a very cool guy and his name is Hezekiah he likes a lot of things and hates a lot of things he loves soccer and play video games.

Monday, June 14, 2021


Where is the pup’s mother? in a hunters house

What animal is he? a cucumber

What might she have learnt already from he mother? nothing because he was on his i phone 11

How old is the pup? i dont know hes a cucumber

Do you remember learning to swim? What were the biggest challenged you had to overcome? everything littalry

Will the pup be brave enough the enter? NO

How is it that some animals are better swimmers than others? they were born with gills and spilceal item

How do you think it would feel to swim in that water? like a freezer

Would you be able to do it?NO   

The young pup peered down into the icy water below with a growing feeling of trepidation. Only a few days old, she had learnt so much already from watching her mother, but this challenge was her greatest so far.

How would it feel to be submerged? What would she find lurking underneath the surface? How would ever she get back onto dry land?

Questions flooded her mind like a torrent of icy water, but bravely she inched closer to the edge then BANG a killer whale comes and smacks the seal off the snow the seal struggles too get back on too land luckly some other seals incluoding his mum they scared off the killer whale then his mum helped him on land but when he looked at his  mum she was bleeding out from her fin....

New Boots by Tim Jones

Copy and paste these questions into a blog post. Answer the questions

in a different colour. ANSWER USING FULL SENTENCES,


§  Explain why Charlie was so annoyed with Jason the whole time?

§  because he was being a weak like a chicken!!!.

§  Do you agree or disagree that Charlie should have been annoyed

§  with Jason? Explain why or why not.No because karma came and hit.

§  Pick 5 words to research their meaning in the dictionary


school lunches


Hi this my slide thingy mick jig me Mason D and Conner H made this beautiful slide show must watch


 we arrived in ferry mead and welcomed with a wonderful welcome and we went over the rules the rules were Children should be seen not heard. Ladies first. Do not ruin `your shoes because they were !!!$800$!!!. l Last one is no hands in pocket or your mum will sow your pockets up.


v shaped house

we had to wash the clothes saw wood clean garden and much more  

fake jobs and names

crafts and

last but not least packing

i learned that nails were very very valuable back 200 yrs ago.



  1. Look these words up in a dictionary and tell us what they mean:

  • calabash- an implement, such as a drum, rattle, or bottle, made from the calabash gourd.

  • tempt- to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something unwise or wrong, as by promising pleasure or reward.

  • incantation the words or sounds that are uttered or chanted as part of a magical ritual or spell, or the act of uttering such words or sounds.

  • mere (Māori dictionary)

  1. This dictionary also tells you the synonyms of the word. (A synonym is a different word that has the same meaning). What are the synonyms for these words? Note: Sometimes words have more than one meaning! Look at the sentence it is used in and pick the meaning that makes more sense)

  • wily (But wily Te Wheke slipped out of his cage during the night and escaped.)

  • splintered (Wood splintered in his grip.)

  • shudder (With a tremendous shudder, Te Wheke fell limp.)

  • grim (His face was grim.)

  • mimicked ("Fine," mimicked Muturangi,)

  1. Which parts of the story seem to be true? Kupe discovering NZ

  1. Which parts of the story probably didn't happen in real life? the attack of the octupus

  1. Describe Kupe in a few words. brave cool awesome

  1. Describe Muturangi in a few words. mean?

  1. How does this story try to explain how Kupe discovered New Zealand? ?

  1. How could Kupe and Muturangi have solved their disagreement about Te Wheke? trained octupus

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Narnia: "The Battle

 Narnia: "The Battle

in the abandond city there lays a hero named mac. when he was young his family was poor they did not have much, but one day he got caught using magic. He can turn stone into gold, silver into diamond ore, but the king trapped him. He escaped and became a warrior fighting off dragons, orcs, even lions and mammoths. But one day he had fought something never before. It was a lion god... he went to go to battle saying good bye to his family as he heeded off for battle as he marched down with his troops one by one... when they get there they are welcomed with unexpected surprise. The lion king flung a fire ball out of its mouth and it landed on top of his army. He was the last one out of the army he charged into battle with his 9 inch sword in one hand and a shield in the other he ran into battle then backup came. 20000 archers came and together they took down the lion king.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Te papa

 What is Te papa Te papa is a museum in wellington .

where is Te papa its in wellington .

This is my favourite exhibit aka birds of NZ


Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday mash up

 In Monday mash up I did gardening again BUT we did dodge ball first it was fun until i accidentally scratched my eye with my... thumb.15 mins later its time too go to the garden i got a very rooty plant and it was very hard too plant but I got it done.

Friday, May 14, 2021

school lunches

me and my group did a info search about what food people liked from the school lunches for a company.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021




Do you want to be kicked in the crotch by a kangaroo or be bitten by the most venomous spider in the world or a snake and have to listen to a wolf 24/7 awhoo also be dragged into the ocean?  YES PLEASE MATE well you nz weirdo come down to AUSTRALIA allay or else we will send SNAKES. allay or else we will send SNAKES.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Something (hint) stars.

 In dancing like the stars my buddy WAS NOT HERE so I had too sit on the side, just kidding, I got a new buddy and she was really good at this new dance we're learning. It's super confusing and really hard but we got the hang of it and that's it of this story.

Now let's talk about Monday MASH UP. In Monday mash up I did...Gardening. I got rock duty. Me and some friends had to make sure that the plant things don't fly away.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


In the holidays on Sat it was a chill day then on Sun I got a ... TRAMPOLINE its blue and no net.

Monday, May 3, 2021


Worst of it: was when I badly grased my self on a dummly made water slide beacuse if you look on my left leg I have a grase. in Mot top 10 best "motels". we got motel 30. Best of it: was going on a vaction to Pouponga then went too Takaka to get these cool culture clothes I forgot the name so please dont ask then me my mum and dad nana and pap went too mot and thats where I grased myself on a dum water slide. One thing I would change: probs grasing myself not gona lie it really hurt but I didnt cry.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

NZ inquiry history

This week i did some hand writing and learnt more about the ch ch earthquake like how it happen at 12:51 was the same in some ways like the ch ch earthquake so yeah :) any how yeah so :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

what i leaned today because i did'nt do anything during easter

all I did was sleep play GTA 5 and EAT junk food oh and locked my self out of my phone  :) YAY. I did a weird game of a soccer. at School

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

all hail the king

 today i wrote a story about a king who ruled a beautiful kingdom.what i approved on was my writing I've goting better.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.